The world has changed dramatically over the last couple of months and it is quite normal to feel overwhelmed. Here at J&B Recycling we have been so pleased to see people coming together to support their communities and showing appreciation for the key workers that are keeping the country going.
Brave NHS staff and care workers; retail workers, emergency services, postal workers, delivery drivers and teachers, to name but a few. Also, acknowledging from our side, the people working to keep collecting and processing the country’s waste; we cannot thank enough everyone working at transfer stations, MRFs, EFWs, landfills and refuse collectors for all their hard work and dedication.
So, we have decided to try and bring you some of this positivity from throughout the current situation in this month’s newsletter, to give you a smile and show you some light we are seeing during this difficult time.
North Tyneside and Brenda went viral this month when they gave everyone a good laugh.
We have seen some lovely appreciation for the refuse collectors around the country, including this piece of artwork in Hartlepool.
Carers at The Hospital of God had a little sing-along to keep spirits high while working hard this week.
We helped Poolie Time Exchange to move to its new temporary base earlier this month.
With a hand from Morgan Howell and our 12-tonne curtain-sider, 15 fridges and freezers were moved to enable the group to continue their much needed work of supplying meals in the Hartlepool community.
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